A tumultuous family journey through the 20th century, a saga of ordinary men and women thrust into extraordinary and dangerous circumstances during the deadliest century of human history. A fast-paced, exciting, and fact-enhanced historical series of sweeping breadth, The Rutherford Chronicles will appeal to avid readers or history buffs of all ages from late teens.
The Rutherford Chronicles is a four-book series that follows the lives, passions, and struggles of the Rutherford family through the uncertainties and conflicts of the 20th century. The journey begins on Tyneside, Northeast England’s coal mines and shipyards industrial district. It continued through the Second Anglo-Boer War of South Africa and British India of the Raj in the early years of the century. The journey continues in France and Germany during the Great War or World War I and Britain and Italy during World War II.
It continues with the Cold War in Canada and the North Atlantic and the standoff between the US versus Cuba and the Soviet Union. It concludes with a divided Cold War Germany and Berlin and a Soviet-backed liberation struggle in South Africa.
The Rutherford Chronicles follows three generations of the Rutherford family throughout their history on three continents and the rapidly changing world around them.
This series is about the 20th-century empires and wars set in:
- Empire Discovered—The 2nd Boer War in South Africa, 1899-1902, India 1902-1906.
- Empire and War—The Great War, WW I, 1914-1918, France & Germany.
- Empire and Tyranny— Interwar period, World War II 1939-1945, UK, Italy, and the Netherlands.
- Empires Lost: Cold War Memoir—1945-1999, Canada, Northern Atlantic, Europe, and South Africa.
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